H came home a very excited and happy little lady last week after spending the day at Grandma C’s house.
Mummy, mummy, Grandma’s built me a house out of sticks!
I suddenly got the feeling that I was a little pig (no – not because of the packet of digestives I’d eaten that day, or the giant Easter egg that mysteriously seemed to have disappeared!!), and I’m half expecting to see a big bad wolf try to huff and puff our house down!
Anyway, naturally I assume it’s a normal, run of the mill den, made of a few sticks with a big sheet or blanket over the top to make the roof.
But oh no! Not Grandma C’s den!!
Here it is!
She’d weaved it out of willow branch cuttings she’d collected from our tree!!!
How fantastic!
It’s like a little willow igloo.
She’s also excited as Grandma has promised to sleep in it in sleeping bags together at some point!
Carry on, I say! But rather you than me!!