The shops have finished stocking anything you might actually require NOW, in favour of tinsel, baubles, wreaths and tins of chocolates!
The Sky TV Christmas channel is permanently on, and you have already watched The Santa Clause, The Santa Clause 2, and The Santa Clause 3 – The Escape Clause trilogy, three times over! On repeat!! And it’s still not boring!
We have all written our expectant Christmas lists to the big man in red!! Not just the kids!! (shhhh – I believe!!)
Your husband finds you wandering around the house with a notebook and pen in the desperate hope of finding inspiration for new and innovative hiding places for the flipping Elf on the Shelf this year!
All the local towns have pretty twinkly Christmas lights sparkling all down the high streets, yet the ‘big lights switch on’ isn’t for a few weeks yet! Confused? Yes – me too!!!
Some people have already put their Christmas trees up!! In November!!!!!! I know!!!!
The Christmas shopping has begun in earnest and you already have a stash of Christmas pressies for your little ones hiding in the rather obvious positions at the top of the wardrobes or under the bed!
The diet has well and truly been flung out of the window – well…. What’s the point now eh? Better to start in the new year!?!? Yes??
You have to start panic buying advent calendars, chocolate tree decoratIons (especially the ones with caramel centres) and bags of gold coins NOW as these ALWAYS disappear by the time any normal person gets round to do their shopping *cough* – Christmas Eve – *cough!*
You can’t go out and buy any normal ‘everyday’ clothes anymore, unless your new work dress code is ‘sparkly dresses’ or your new SAHM ‘nappy changing and running around after mucky kids all day’ attire is sequined blazers and diamante heels! Hmmm! Practical!
The kids ask EVERY DAY “is it Christmas yet” and “is Santa coming tonight” Arrghhhhhh!!!! *goes off to pull hair out*
There’s no more frozen stuff in the food aisles other than turkeys, turkeys turkeys!!!!!
The Christmas Jumpers are starting to make a re-appearance, and you’re even considering getting one yourself this year as they seem to be ‘in fashion’ now
You can justifiably start singing and bobbing along to all those fabulous Christmas songs and carols!!
Although you say to others – ‘oh yeah – it all starts far too early nowadays – this whole Christmas thing’ – you secretly CAN’T WAIT to put your tree and decs up yourself!!
You start to argue with your husband about which parent’s turn it is to have you this year on Christmas Day. As obviously the only fair way is to alternate, right??
Literally ALL of the new Christmas adverts on TV have you in floods of tears!! What is it with the ad companies and their love of wanting to make us all cry!!!
You have to get Hubbie to pop up into the loft and find the box entitled ‘last years unwanted Christmas gifts to recycle this year!’
Its time to search desperately for a Christmas carrot outfit for your toddler, as obviously the carrot played such a prominent part in the nativity story of the birth of Jesus!!!!
Each week (because you’re trying to be clever and stock up, but you end up eating everything) when you go to the supermarket – it is perfectly reasonable, acceptable and expected to overload your trolley with nuts, Pringles, twiglets, those little cheesy biscuits in the shape of hearts, diamonds etc, pate and various stinky and creamy cheeses.
And one more for luck – just because it’s nearly Christmas and I’m feeling festive….
You nip into WH Smith’s on a daily basis as you can’t wait for the Radio Times/TV Times to come out – just so you can circle all the Christmas programmes you want to watch, and mark all those to record ‘for keeps’ with a big red ‘R‘!!!

That’s a clever answer to a tricky quostien
What a fabulous funny post! Is it bad with a toddler I am trying to hold off putting my tree up for as long as possible? :/ haha, thanks for linking up with #MMWBH x
Tip top stfuf. I’ll expect more now.
Brilliant post, made me laugh out loud. I love love love getting the christmas radio times and working out which ones I want to ‘video’ xx
Oh yes to the Radio Times and highlighting the programmes. Essential part of Advent!
Exactly!! Most definitely one of the highlights of Christmas if you ask me!!! I popped into WH Smiths today but still can’t see them
Argh I love Christmas but it really does come around quicker every year! Already peeling the kids off the ceiling! x x
Hahaha – its a nightmare isn’t it – but yes – secretly I’m probably worse than they are. Last year I was the first awake and went in to make sure the kids woke up to!!! Big kids at heart eh?!? xxxx
This is brilliant! I can’t believe how much chocolate etc is now stocked in the supermarket! Goodbye eating healthily!!
Emma |
I know Emma – my weightWatcers is down the pan already after three weeks!!! Oops!! xxxx
Fab list and I can pretty much tick of all of these as my signs too 🙂 #sharewithme #MMWBH
Aww thank you. It does make me laugh how much earlier it seems to get each year – though I suppose if I’m honest – I don’t mind really!!! Shhhh!! Our secret!! xxxx
Lucas says – The Mother thoroughly approves of this list but I think you’ve forgotten one REALLY important item; 10x extra boxes of Haribo. Christmas is exhausting for us little people so we have to keep our energy up!!! he he #sharewithme #MMWBH
Oh no – I am very sorry Lucas – and I actually just took myself off to the naughty step to have some time out. I will definitely remember to add the Haribo next time ;)) Thx for a lovely comment. xxx
Haha this made me giggle. I can’t believe people put up their trees in November that’s far to early for us 🙂 #ShareWithMe
Yes – its far too early isn’t it – though I must admit – as soon as it hits December 1st – I do start getting itchy feet to go and choose the tree from the farm with the girls. I SECRETLY LOVE CHRISTMAS!! So I suppose I shouldn’t shout! Oops! Thanks so much for commenting. xx
This tickled me, I feel like there is a sudden full on Christmas assault coming at us from all directions!! I am asked every morning how many sleeps it is until Christmas and they’ve got lists of lists of lists for FC!!! x
I know!!! Its amazing isn’t it!! Though I suppose I can’t talk – as I’ve pretty much done the kids xmas shopping. And I have seen some rather cute ‘countdown to christmas’ things that might work for the kids!! But as for the lists – I’m afraid I’m rather a list person too – this morning I even wrote a list, but realised it wasn’t neat enough – so wrote the same items a bit further down on the same page!! Don’t ask!! Hahaha. Thanks for commenting xxx
Oh I love this! I can relate to every single one! 🙂 I love the Radio Times Christmas edition – it’s the only time we buy it but it is just an annual tradition now. Can’t wait to get my highlighter out! 😉 xx #sharewithme
I love this. I am probably guilty of them all too. I always want christmas to come sooner and last longer. My tree goes up the day after thanksgiving always has. Just gives me that little bit more of excitement. lol I know sad but true. I am doing elf on a shelf for the first time this year as the kids are getting older and will know now. I can’t wait. Lovely post. Just got me all excited for the festive season. thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
People really have Christmas trees up already?! Thanks for this very amusing post. Hopped over from the #MMWBH
Oh goody – I’m so pleased I could make you giggle. Thanks so much for commenting. xxxx
haha love these! I can’t wait to put my Christmas tree up! Come on December!
I know!!! Not long to go now though eh!!! Hope you’ve got your advent calendars at the ready!!! xxxx