Another barrage of photo updates of the going’s on and my life lately in the Midlife Mummy family……
1. So, we made it with Ella back in nursery for all of, oh, i don’t know, two days! Two flipping days, before we get a phone call to say she’d come up in hives! Turns out it was a viral infection which also produced a rash, but it looked pretty horrendous!
2. I bought a selfie stick this weekend, as I really want to try and get more shots of us as a family. This was us playing as soon as it arrived. I think we need a bit more practice!
3. Holly was helping us with a spot of gardening.
4. More gardening mayhem – this time they were having lots of fun sweeping up the leaves and debris from the steps.
5. Another Saturday night of catching up with friends – i ended up with a friend convincing me that a taxi was not the right way to get home at two in the morning, and so instead I got a ‘backy’ on her bike! Who do I think I am! I’m 40 next year! And I apologise to my sisters neighbours if you heard the loud screams as we headed off down the hill!
6. Karma! This was my bed for the night! The girls had sort of taken over my bed in my absence!
7. More deliveries – this time a collection of Search & Find books in the hope they keep the kids entertained for our road trip this weekend!
8. Ella in another den. She does it to hide from the polar bears! All. The. Time!!
9. So this is where we’re heading this weekend. The Sands Resort Hotel & Spa, Newquay. It’s got fabulous write ups, and is meant to be excellent for families and children. We are going to be trialling the kids club and I have a cheeky little massage booked too! Yay! Plus, I’ve heard the weather might be quite good too, so we are really excited. It will be a long drive though, hence the activity books!
Bless her, I love Ella’s little den! I think she should be pretty safe from polar bears in there, you can never be too careful. Ooh, that hotel looks fab, slightly jealous!