Wicked Wednesdays – 11th February 2015

Gosh it’s been like forever since I last posted something to the brilliant Wicked Wednesdays linky.

And to be honest I was starting to panic a bit, with a sobering realisation that maybe my life is not as full of the fun and laughter as it should be and I thought it was!

But then – I walked into our bedroom and saw this…….

Wicked Wednesdays

So, ok.

By a show of hands – let’s see who thinks we need to invest in a proper home office complete with a desk and chair?????



  1. 23rd February 2015 / 6:56 pm

    Brilliant! This really really made me laugh! It’s the concentration on his face! Thanks so much for linking up and I can’t wait to see what you have lined up for this weeks #wickedwednesdays! Back after the half term break x

  2. 11th February 2015 / 3:50 pm

    hahah brilliant! I would say no to hme office – this looks much more comfortable and space saving!


    • 11th February 2015 / 4:18 pm

      Haha – I’m not going to get my home office at this rate! πŸ˜‰ xxxxxx

  3. 11th February 2015 / 3:47 pm

    hahaha! That is so funny!
    I say no too….lol x

  4. 11th February 2015 / 3:47 pm

    Hehe this is hilarious! As for voting for new furniture ummm only if it’s as funny as the current ones

    • 11th February 2015 / 4:19 pm

      It was too good an opportunity to pass up really!! Hehehe! xxxxx

  5. 11th February 2015 / 3:44 pm

    Hehe this is hilarious! As for voting for new furniture ummm only if it’s as funny as the current ones

  6. 11th February 2015 / 2:14 pm

    I have to admit that I have dont this a lot of times! ITS COMFY =P #wickedwednesday

    • 11th February 2015 / 4:21 pm

      I know what you mean! I was fine on it (though I’m under 5ft!) – but when Mr B was using it I just had to grab the camera phone!! Hehehe!!

  7. 11th February 2015 / 10:51 am

    I vote no – this is far funnier!!!

    • 11th February 2015 / 4:23 pm

      Hahaha! Thanks πŸ˜‰ Though I’m still going to push for my shiny home office! Well,….. desk and chair anyway!! πŸ˜‰ xxxxx

  8. 11th February 2015 / 10:44 am

    Brilliant…. I for one definitely do not think you need to get a chair…. this is far more funnier!! Haha! xx

    • 11th February 2015 / 4:24 pm

      I seriously had to double take when i walked in the room!! Too funny!! Love these silly moments!! xxxxx

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