My Sunday Photo | 08 March 15

For My Sunday Photo today, I have opted for this flower.

I’m sure you know already, but if you don’t, this is a hibiscus, and it’s one of my favourite flowers.

To me they just ooze a feeling of ‘tropical paradise’ to me. They remind me of summer holiday nights and beach time fun in the sun.

Most probably because I only really tend to see them (well these red ones) on my holidays, and each and every time, I’m no less captivated by their simple beauty.

This isn’t the sharpest of shots, I know, but I still love the contrast of the bright crimson red against the green leafy backdrop.

And this time I plan to take my new macro lens on our next holiday!

Red Flower



  1. 10th March 2015 / 7:02 pm

    We call this gumamela in my country. One of my fave flower. We get one of this, pound it and put some dishwashing soap. This flower makes the bubble better. And we can blow bubbles to our heart’s content! A joy to play with!!!! #mysundayphoto

  2. 9th March 2015 / 1:39 pm

    What a bright flower, I bet it really adds colour to the place

    Thank you for linking up

  3. 8th March 2015 / 8:52 pm

    A beautiful vibrant burst of colour for spring.

    • 18th March 2015 / 6:51 am

      Thank you so much. I love this colour so much. Mother Nature is a very clever woman!!!

  4. 8th March 2015 / 6:49 pm

    That is just beautiful!

  5. 8th March 2015 / 9:18 am

    They are such stunning flowers, I love the red ones to! #MySundayPhoto

    • 8th March 2015 / 3:03 pm

      They’re just lovely aren’t they! We obviously have good taste!!

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