So this week marks our third anniversary of living in our little house, as I was very kindly reminded by the app below…..
And what a wonderful three years it has been.
We’re living back in the town in which I grew up in, where my beloved friends and family live.
Mr B’s parents live in one of the surrounding villages,
Our girls get to regular spend time with their grandparents;
(we get babysitters)
It’s where H took her first steps (in fact, the very weekend we moved in)
It’s where we brought our Little E home for the very first time from the hospital,
It’s where our two beautiful girls are learning to walk, run and play.
It’s most likely the house where our girls will sit and do their homework from school; slam their bedroom doors in sulks and grumps; where they’ll be able to bring back their friends to play safely, and perhaps even be the place they park their first cars.
(I refuse to mention boyfriends!)
It’s where our girls can grow up together.
When I first became pregnant with H way back in 2010, we lived in a much smaller property which was spread over three floors. It was a little mid-terraced house located on a busy, one-way system further in towards the town.
I used to describe it as the Tardice!
As, just like that off Dr. Who – it looked tiny from the outside, but once you were through the doors, it opened out into rather a nice sized modern interior!
This little house served us brilliantly for the years in which we lived in it, it served its purpose to move us back from Chichester which is where owned our first house.
Though, once H started crawling and exploring, I started to worry about the steep stairs and the lack of running around room she had.
To be honest – I think I’d probably just outgrown it in my head.
And I remember when I was off with H on maternity leave for that year, I got ever so stir crazy. Even to the point of depression. I knew as houses go – it was lovely, but to me, for some silly, unknown reason, I needed out.
And, as soon as I’d first thought I wanted to move – it was really all I could think about.
So, after quite some months of constantly having to keep the house tidy for viewings, shipping H off to Grandparents whilst we visited prospective houses, and lots of highs, lows and heartache with the whole process of buying and selling of houses, we finally moved into our current family home in August 2011.
And, law of sod, just on the very day before we flew out for a fortnights holiday!!
It was such an exciting time.
It was literally a case of quickly unload the lorry, slightly arrange the furniture, crockery, white goods etc in to something resembling a normal household, and then travel to the airport!
And it was so lovely to have something so new and exciting to look forward to on our return from the holiday.
And as I said above, H took her very first steps that same day, out in our lovely new back garden.
It was so perfectly timed and wonderful.
It really made me feel that in my heart of hearts we had moved for all the right reasons.
(even if we had stretched ourselves to the max)
The house now is lovely.
It’s large enough for what we need and how we’ve grown; it’s on a much quieter street, still within walking distance to the town, is close by to good schools and has a childrens play park just at the end of the road.
We have really been very lucky, as I know how hard it is for first time buyers to start out on the property ladder.
I think we were just in the right place at the right time.
Its got such a feeling of being a happy home; where we’ve held birthday parties, dinner parties, summer BBQs; had days spent in the paddling pool in the garden and other days just spent playing in bedrooms, or snuggled on a sofa.
It’s such an open, warm, friendly and welcoming house.
And I love it.
Obviously made all the better that my lovely family live in it with me!
We are slowly getting around to updating each room, not in so much that they were outdated mind, just not what I’d have chosen myself.
But as I’m sure some of you know, when you max out your budget in the actual purchasing of a house, it doesn’t leave over much spare cash to play painting and decorating with!
So, although many of the rooms are now painted, we still have a couple to go, and my big grand plan for the house is to one day knock through the dining room and kitchen to create one big, useable family space, with large bi-fold doors, which lead outside to create that very popular outside/inside feeling.
It has always been my dream to live in a house like this, so I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that someday we can make this happen.
Since moving in, we have we have grown from a happy family of three to an even happier family of four.
I am happy to be living in a home rather than just a house, a place where I will love, look after and bring up my beautiful girls and perhaps even the same house Mr B and I will grow old and grey together in.
Linking up with Let’s Talk Mommy for Week #26 of Share With Me
Linking up with Verily Victoria Vocalises for Post Comment Love
Such a lovely post. A home is filled with so many wonderful memories. Loving the last photo of you all. #PoCoLo
Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a lovely comment. It’s scary to think we could be in this house until the girls even leave home, but like you say, the walls will be filled with memories. Thx again xxx
Your home is beautiful – and it sounds like your family makes it even more so. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo 🙂 x
Your house is gorgeous! ~Lovely post
Aww – thank you so much xxx
Wow your house is amazing! It is really beautiful x
Ahhh bless you what an amazing journey you have been on and to find your forever home and make so many memories to come there. I love love the last photo and the quote with it! So true and it always made me cry. I feel this way about our new house too! What a beautiful post. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
Hi Jenny, thank you so much for replying with such a lovely comment. Can’t wait to link up again. Xx